Saturday, July 18, 2015

You'll Never Guess Where I'm Typing This From

I'm in my living room! But I'm also sitting in my wheelchair. My chair is a rusted, out old hospital style chair. It's heavy and awkward, but it does have one amazing feature. It was free! Here is photographic evidence.

Both the fur babies were quite curious about this strange "new" chair but only one had the nerve to approach it. The chair normally sits folded up in a corner so they don't notice it.

These photos against my basement wall kinda look like ransom photos taken by kidnappers. Maybe I should have stuck a copy of today's New York Times on the seat. 

Tonight I decided to do a double foot binding. With all my toes tightly folded down, it's impossible to get around without this chair. Foot binding is not terribly complicated.

This is a two ingredient recipe. Duct tape binds the toes and ace bandages wrap them up. It's as easy as One, Two... er Two.

I taped my toes down as tightly as I could. Wish I'd gotten a before pic so you could have some sort of comparison, but I didn't.

Here is the view from where I'm sitting. This is wonderfully immobilizing and I really am unable to walk while I'm bound like this. It has been interesting to roll around my very inaccessible home, trying to do simple tasks. Biggest challenge: filling an ice cube tray!

I may do this again a bit later in the week. 

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